Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fargo Fosamax Attorney

Attorneys with Fosamax clients, like the Fargo Fosamax attorney will be closely watching an upcoming decision to be made by the federal court MDL judge. The Fosamax MDL judge will soon decide if a person had to be on Fosamax for three years in order to get ONJ (jaw rot). Merck, the manufacturer of Fosamax is arguing that if a person was not on Fosamax for at least three years before being diagnosed with Fosmax then Fosamax did not cause the ONJ. If Merck prevails a number of lawsuits will be dismissed.

1 comment:

  1. I think that fosamax is the main cause of these problems so I prefer to get a prescription before do anything.Thats what I do with my Viagra Online Prescription .
